Restricted Nations: Indonesia


Voice of the Martyrs with Michelle Waters –

Indonesia, a nation of vast and varied islands and people, has known much conflict in its history. Colonisation, war, occupation, and the quest for independence have all resulted in challenges and opportunities for our brothers and sisters in Christ. In this brief overview of the persecuted Church in Indonesia, some common threads are revealed: continuing opposition to the spread of the gospel, and attempts to suppress witnessing through policies and violence. At first glance, it may seem that the Church is facing a losing battles. Yet, other threads are also evident: a commitment of believers to the call of the cross, despite loss or injury, and the faithfulness of God to His children in all circumstances. This book, which blends facts and testimonies from the past to modern time, will introduce you to this legacy of dedication to God amid opposition in Indonesia. You will be inspired by the testimonies of Christians called to the cross and challenged in how you can answer the command to ‘go!’ (Matthew 28:19)

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