
100% of donations given to Bibles and Literature, Front Line Ministry, Families of Martyrs, VOMedical or any special projects, is used to fund overseas projects.

Help for the Persecuted Church

This is our “Where Most Needed” fund. This ministry fund helps support the Church in hostile and restricted nations, assists with our funding for special projects or emergency funds for persecuted Christians, and helps us to share the stories of the persecuted through our initiatives here in New Zealand. All donations to this fund are eligible for the IRD tax credit.

Emergency Fund for the Holy Land

If you want to help financially with emergency aid to Christians in Israel and Gaza, you may donate through VOM’s HOLY LAND EMERGENCY FUND. There are many practical needs for displaced families – including food, shelter and water. VOM is also empowering the church in the Holy Land to respond to this crisis with the WORD of GOD (Bibles), prayer and trauma counselling.

Income Generation Projects for Persecuted Christians

Help persecuted Christians who have lost income because of their faith become independent again.

Conflict,  persecution, and instability have a lasting impact on vulnerable Christians. The crisis isn’t just the day their Christian community was dispersed or they had to flee their home. For many persecuted Christians displacement and violence ends their jobs and means of getting income to support their families. These persecuted Christians are hardworking, sincere followers of Christ who want to rebuild their lives. VOM funds micro business start-ups – eg hairdresser, barber, rickshaw taxi/courier, nail technician, food stall, dressmaking/ tailoring, candle making, raising chickens etc.. to help families rebuild their lives and become financially independent again.

Widows of Christian Martyrs & Their Families

Your support will help Christian women whose husbands were killed in persecution-related attacks, reminding them that they are a vital and loved part of the global body of Christ. Your gift can help provide

  • Financial assistance for daily needs such as food, clothing and shelter
  • Vocational training so widows can support their families
  • Spiritual and emotional encouragement following trauma and loss
  • Support for children’s school fees

Redeeming Families Fund

Help redeem Christian families from indentured slavery. With the help of local Church leaders, we are able to:

  1. Pay the debt
  2. Relocate the family to their home village or a Christian community
  3. Pay for accommodation for six months
  4. Provide food etc. for the first one to three months
  5. Help the family setup a means of income generation so that they can be self-supporting and independent
  6. Provide pastoral care for the first year

Bibles and Christian Literature

Getting God’s word and Christian literature into the hands of persecuted Christians – This project helps VOM print and smuggle Bibles in local languages to believers in restricted nations which often deny them access to their own Bibles. This includes New Testaments and full Bibles in both print and digital formats, Bible commentaries and Bible study materials, MP3 and media players and other inspirational Christian training materials. 100% of gifts made to this fund go to VOM Bibles and Literature projects overseas.

Buy a Motorbike for a Front-Line Worker

Help provide motorbikes for frontline ministry workers. Each motorbike costs about $2,000. 100% of gifts made to this fund will go to the mission field for use to purchase motorbikes for pastors, evangelists and Christian workers involved in pastoral ministry and evangelism . This donation is NOT eligible for the IRD Tax credit.

Frontline Ministry Support

Sharing the Gospel and Making Disciples – This ministry fund directly helps share the hope of the gospel and build the Church in restricted nations by supporting pastors, evangelists and full-time Christian workers who minister in the face of hostility and persecution. This project fund includes support for underground Bible colleges, leadership training, provision of evangelism resources, IT equipment and software, transportation (like bicycles for pastors), support programmes; and helps equip churches with resources. 100% of gifts made to this fund go to empower the local church overseas to reach their people and nation for Christ, despite persecution. This donation is NOT eligible for the IRD Tax credit.

VOM Operational Fund

This funds the operational and administration costs of our New Zealand based ministry. All donations to this fund are eligible for the IRD tax credit.

VOM Medical

Providing Medical Care for Christians Impacted by Persecution VOM Medical provides medical assistance for believers who have been injured through a direct case of persecution. Assistance for hospital check-ups for released prisoners, surgery, all prescriptions and medicines, prosthetics, as well as specialised counselling and long-term rehabilitation if needed. 100% of gifts made to this fund go to VOM Medical projects overseas.

Help for Afghanistan

After the withdrawal of the US military the Taliban has overrun the country and this has caused many expatriates and Afghans to flee the country.

VOM is specifically working to extract a number of Christian families and church leaders who are now finding their movements impeded due to the many Taliban checkpoints operating within the country. 

As time is of the essence we need your prayers and support to move rapidly in an effort to save their lives. Followers of Jesus Christ — our brothers and sisters — live in every province of Afghanistan. They know that in the eyes of the Taliban they are infidels who deserve death.

If you would like to donate specifically to our work with Christian families inside Afghanistan, please use the following code: 95.465

Christmas Blessing

Buy a Christmas gift for children of persecuted Christian families

Each year, Voice of the Martyrs distributes Christmas blessing packs to ensure many children in restricted nations receive a gift at Christmas. Children of persecuted families can be particularly vulnerable to discrimination, harassment and bullying. In restricted nations, persecution often brings poverty and hardship so parents of persecuted children are unable to provide gifts at this special time of year.

This year we want to bless children from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Colombia, Burkina Faso, Myanmar, Egypt, Vietnam, Philippines, Cameroon, Iraq and Nigeria.

Each child will receive items tailored to their specific country – Eg a backpack, children’s Bible or storybook, clothing, school supplies, a toy, hygiene items.

Contents are sourced locally and the packs are distributed by VOM frontline workers.


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