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Host a Sabina Movie Screening

Great character is sometimes forged amid great turmoil.

Sabina: Tortured for Christ, the Nazi Years is the story of how God’s love transformed an ambitious, atheistic hedonist into one of the greatest Christian women of the 20th century.

The film opens with Sabina Wurmbrand risking her life to show Christ’s love to a trio of Nazi soldiers. Why? Why would a Jewish Christian risk her life to help her enemies – members of the army that killed her entire family? Experience the amazing true story that has redefined the concepts of love and forgiveness for millions around the world.

Rated M
Winner of Best feature Film Christian Worldview Film Festival 2021

Host Registration

Host this inspiring movie at your church or group.

Offer only available in New Zealand.

What You’ll Get

Free Screening Pack, which includes the following:

  • A DVD and Blu-ray version of the movie
  • Promotional material to help you publicize the event
  • VOM Newsletters
  • A guide to help you run the event
  • The DVD and Blu-ray version of Sabina – An awarding winning Christian movie that will inspire and challenge your congregation/group. 
  • An opportunity to support Christians forced from their home, in places such as Laos, Nigeria, Ukraine and Tigray

What We Ask of You

Raise awareness of the Persecuted Church/Voice of the Martyrs by

  • Provide people with the opportunity to get and/or sign up to receive the FREE VOM newsletter (provided).
  • Show a short 1min clip about VOM (provided)
    Let us know the date you wish to host a public the screening of Sabina.


VOM will get in touch to confirm whether you’d like to go ahead with a screening and ask for a few additional details to help us put together your screening pack.

What People are Saying

95% of those who saw the cinema release of Sabina would recommend that everyone see the film (according to a recent survey)


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